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13–01 Saturday

Transmission For Palestine:
Abdullah Miniawy live
Arash Ghasemi live
Druhá : směna
and more

For almost three months we have been witnessing the inhuman and disproportionate violence against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Our community is based on values of solidarity and empathy and we cannot and won’t stay silent. Thus we are reviving ‘Transmission for Palestine’, our effort to raise awareness of the struggle and suffering of the Palestinian people.

For this edition, we have invited Druhá : směna, Prague4PalestineYouth, nūr and Amphibian Rec. to organise a day-and-night event consisting of talks, listening, screening, concert, and a clubnight.

Listening session ‘Transmission for Palestine’
A new compilation on Amphibian Rec.
15.00–17.00, free entry

Film screening: Rainticket (2023)
A film by Abdullah Miniawy + Q&A moderated by TakaDumm
17.15–18.15, free entry

→  Talks with Druhá : směna, nūr and Prague4PalestineYouth

Post-colonial feminism in Palestine
Lecture by Tithi Bhattacharya
Intro by Druhá : směna + Q&A

When taken as separatist movement with a narrow agenda only for the privileged ones, feminism can serve as a tool for imperial states. For the last few months we have been watching Israel, one of these imperialist forces, justifying its war atrocities by presenting itself as a progressive and civilised society open to equal rights for women and queer people. This state has simultaneously been oppressing Palestinian women and queer people for decades. White feminism has therefore been rightfully criticized by anti-colonial feminists around the world. One of the most vocal of them is Tithi Bhattacharya, a Marxist feminist, Associate Professor of South Asian history at Purdue University and a prominent figure of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Let’s engage in a talk with Dr. Bhattacharya in unmasking colonial feminism and searching for more comprehensive ways of employing our solidarity as feminists in these difficult times.

Prague-based Palestinians on Czech Zionism
Discussion with Adam Abdalla, Yara Abu Aataya, Yasar Abu Ghosh
Moderated by Druhá : směna

This discussion will make space for the ones whose perspective is often dismissed and erased while talking about Palestine. Let’s dive into exploration of how Czech media censor Palestinian voices. How is Zionist ideology related to Czech racism against Roma? And what does Palestinian anti-colonial activism look like? These are just some of the questions that will be answered during the talk that will gather the voices of some of the Czech Palestinian intellectuals, artists and activists. We will engage in a discussion with artist Yara Abu Aataya, Adam Abdalla, a student of Modern Middle Eastern Studies at St. Antony’s College, Oxford, and Yasar Abu Ghosh, anthropologist from the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University.

Concert & Clubnight
21.30–05.20, ticketed

Ankali Concert
21.30–22.30 Arash Ghasemi live
22.30–23.30 Abdullah Miniawy live

Planeta Za

Artwork by Omar El-Sadek

This event is taking place at Ankali & Planeta Za.

Please read our House Rules before your visit.
Running order will be published a few days before the event.

⚑ Tato akce se koná za podpory Ministerstva kultury České republiky, Magistrátu hlavního města Praha a Městské části Praha 10.