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13–09 Friday

Ankali x Positive Education:
A Strange Wedding live
Atch22 & Kobayashi Maru
Ultra Low Velocity

In the vast flatland of techno festivals there are only a few oases that boldly push the genre’s avant-garde. One of them is Positive Education, an annual event taking place in Saint-Étienne, France.

On September 13 we’ll get a glimpse of the Education at Ankali with a live set of the event’s frontman A Strange Wedding, who graced our sound system with his psychoactive music in the past, and Ultra Low Velocity, the DJ duo of ASW and Antoine, one of the festival’s founders. Joining in to tweak the showcase will be local selector Skalm, and Atch22 with Kobayashi Maru in a b2b.

This event is taking place at Ankali.
Access via Lopuchová 58/6.

Please read our House Rules before your visit.
Running order will be published a few days before the event.

⚑ Tato akce se koná za podpory Ministerstva kultury České republiky v rámci projektu Ankali Live 2024.