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22–06 Saturday

Music Criticism under Attack: A talk with John Doran & Miloš Hroch

The image of Condé Nast’s Anna Wintour in black shades firing the staff at the biggest global music media, Pitchfork, this year has burnt in the retinas of many. Does it mean we are really standing at the dawn of music journalism? Music journalist Miloš Hroch will talk to the co-founder of The Quietus and writer John Doran about the changing identity of the critic, the precarity of the work, the consequences of poptimism, but also about illuminating experiences and wizardry good music journalism can sparkle.

The talk si co-hosted with Nadšením Nájem Nezaplatíš initiative (NNN), and organised by Gravity Network, an international cooperation initiative co-funded by the European Union.

This event is taking place at Planeta Za
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