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Nico’s practice could be simplified into two categories – Nicolas Prokop, the multidisciplinary artist working with various media including sculpture, site-responsive installations, video and sound; and Schaumstoff, the obscurities-digging selector and organizer. Yet examining his practice closely one could clearly see how the two entwine, and actually branch out beyond.

Besides being an active hands-on artist, Nico is co-founder of Gojo, a collective of light-atmo makers known for their nature-inspired interventions at Prague’s off-club events. Their approach lies in building another layer of the environment they contribute to while respecting its character. Nico applies similar care to Priaum, the irregular series of community-based affairs which he treats as interdisciplinary events where the musical, social and visual becomes one. 

Taking the environmentally-cautious approach even further are another two of  his projects: Asociace Prostoru, a site-specific exhibition series which aims to increase spatial awareness of the viewer and offer perspective rather than forcing it; and Leštnice, a project dedicated to the restoration of a piece of land in South Bohemia in a communal, research-based and artistically-sensitive way.

Lastly, and most importantly, there is Schaumstoff, Nico’s DJ persona who frequents all the off-the-grid DJ booths in town and beyond. His organic and versatile style perfectly fits within all other activities mentioned above.

His foamy selection always reflects something from the given environment and usually builds a new layer to the experience. With respect and consideration, and devoid of formalisms. Intuitively he goes for music which is at times challenging, but never fails to deliver some unexpected bangers. Unafraid to lose the groove for a while, in order to win the crowd over.